Give Ideas a Fighting Chance

Give Ideas a Fighting Chance
The child that disagrees with you, the team member who often argues … they’re exercising their creative thinking.

We all know being agreeable is a very appealing characteristic. But new research shows agreeableness to be one of the highest predictors of non-creativity. Going along, to get along, may be the safe route but it doesn’t make one a very creative thinker.

For ideas to spark, disagreement has to flow. 

Too much like-minded thinking creates a bland blend of beige. 

That’s why entrepreneurial companies are moving away from hiring for ‘cultural fit’ which often become monocultures of thought and action. Studies have shown that cognitively diverse teams vastly outperform homogeneous teams in situations where creativity is called for. 

If employees get the message that they have to conform to the group and contribute to harmony as a top priority, you’ll get a lot of really nice people, but very little in the way of breakthrough results.

So how do you encourage creative thinking at work and at home?

Create a safe space for different opinions. Encourage people to take risks. Don’t rush to quick-forming consensus, fast decisions and immediate conclusions. Instead allow enough time for ideas to percolate and peripheral thinking to emerge.

The best ideas often bubble to the top when people openly disagree and challenge each other. 

Banish the beige in your life.

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